Tools for Family Physicians to Manage COVID-19 End of Life Care
  1. Communication guide for complex issues:  Vital Talk is a group of communication specialists – can share with office staff, especially phone staff and nursing team-
  2. Symptom management guide comes from the center to advance palliative care.
  3. Shared Decision Making tool (Planning with high risk patients and may guide serious ill to choose home care option if preferred)
  4. ICU shared decision making guide for a patient considering life support (help discussion of hospitalized patient pre ICU)
  5. Covid Advance care planning that office team can share with patients for self completion
  6. Advanced Care Planning Guide for use with high risk patients for clinician:   Brief COVID Goals of Care Guide for Outpatients at High Risk, adapted by SFVA Palliative Care


Prepared by (Dr. Tatum is a formerly from Missouri):
Associate Professor
Palliative Medicine Fellowship Program Director
Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
6.212 Health Discovery Building
Dell Medical School at the University of Texas in Austin
1601 Trinity St., Bldg B
Austin, TX 78712